Taste more:
A person who is very indirectly familiar with Asian cuisine may get the impression that it consists only of salty and spicy dishes, and for some reason, there are no sweets in it. But this is not true at all! Today we want to share with you the secrets of preparing an exotic dessert — sweet rice. We take this popular cereal as a basis, and then add authentic notes: fragrant coconut milk and juicy mango pulp that will immediately transport you straight to the East! This sweet rice recipe is very popular in Thailand, but with our tips, you can easily make it in your own kitchen. Let’s cook it together!
For the sweet rice recipe, we will need:
So, we are only a few steps away from a delicious sweet rice dish. The recipe is very easy and simple:
One of the main components of rice with coconut milk and mango is, of course, this exotic fruit. The final result greatly depends on its quality, so you should carefully approach its choice. If desired, you can use canned pieces of mango — they will definitely be sweet. But if you want to get the maximum benefit, you should choose fresh fruit, following these rules:
Now you know all the secrets of preparing this wonderful dessert, as well as the rules for choosing its main ingredients. Be sure to please your loved ones with this unusual treat!