Taste more:
Asian cuisine is very rich and diverse, but there is something that unites many dishes — a spicy, piquant taste. One such treat is beef with pickled ginger. The plates of this root will add a characteristic unique taste and aroma to the dish, and the meat prepared in this way will be tender and will melt in your mouth! Therefore, today we will tell you the recipe for stewed beef with pickled ginger and share tips that will make the preparation of this wonderful treat quick and easy. Be prepared for the fact that in the process the whole family will converge on this dizzying smell!
The recipe we are sharing with you today is portioned for 3-4 servings. We will need the following products:
Now let’s move from theory to practice. To prepare beef stew, we will need to take a few simple steps.
If you made sushi and don’t know where to put the leftover ginger, this dish will be the best option. The meat with its petals is piquant, slightly spicy, sweet and aromatic. It can be served as an independent dish or supplemented with a side dish — boiled rice or noodles. Such a treat is perfect for a family dinner or a friendly gathering — just divide it into equal parts and serve! You can sprinkle each portion with sesame seeds. Prepare delicious stewed beef at home, arranging a real culinary feast for yourself and your loved ones!